100m 2.6mm insulating wire for guying of antennas
  • 100m 2.6mm insulating wire for guying of antennas
  • 10MHz Moxon F2DX
  • Guying F2DX 80m vertical antennas
  • Guying F2DX 80m foursquare
  • Guying F2DX double dipole and mast

100m 2.6mm insulating line for guying of antennas


100m insulating 2.6mm line for guying of antennas. Excellent performance in all climatic conditions (water, sun, icing), high breaking strain, very good RF insulation, more than 25 years lifetime!

In stock

Ratings and comments from our customers
( 5.0 / 5) - 24 feedback(s)

In respect of insulated guying of antennas, the usual cordage (polyproylene etc) has the annoying tendancy to succumb to changes resulting from climatic conditions (rain, wind, sun, ice) and their lifetime is limited. For an equal result cordage made from aramide fibres (Kevlar®, Twaron® etc) are very much dearer and their lifetime is rarely indicated.

Deltex® line which we offer you is characterised by very little stretching under tension, complete elastic memory,an excellent performance under all climatic conditions (water, sun, ice) between -40°C and +70°C, high breaking strain, very good HF insulation, light weight and a lifetime of more than 25 years!

It is made from a polyester monofilament, black in colour, which was discovered in 1991. It is made in France from first choice high viscosity material (no recycled material). The manufacture results in a breaking strength of  60 daN per mm² which is, for comparison purposes, markedly superior to galvanised steel wire of the same diameter (40 to 48 daN/mm²) or to classic iron wire (15 daN/mm²).

Beware of imitations, especially from abroad where it is not always clear that the anti-UV treatment has been correctly done or that the line is made from recycled material.


• Diameter of the line: 2,6 mm

• Colour: Black

• Breaking strain: 310 daN (kgF)

• Weight: 750 g / 100 m

• Volumetric resistivity: > 1 x 10 to the power of 13 Ohms/metre

• Surface resistance: > 1 x 10 to the power of 15 Ohms/metre

• Dielectric rigidity: 60 kV/mm

• Durability : more than 25 years between -40°C and +70°C

Examples of radioamateur applications (2.6mm line)

• Guying of very tall vertical antennas, as HERE with four quarter wave 80m verticals (20.5m high) which are guyed at 4 levels with this line.

• Guying of antennas elements as HERE for a 2 element 30m Moxon.

• Tensioning wire antennas.

• Apart from radio use, a clothes-line equally durable, which doesn't stretch and which lasts for more than 20 years will make the lady of the house very happy!

Attaching the guys

• The most economic and most practical method is the Gripple quick clamp which replaces by itself cable clamp and adjuster. See detailed description on our website.

• 4mm double flat cable clamp suits aswell.

• "U" clamps are not advised because they crush the cable too much.

• With a little practice, a knot is the most economic solution. DX Avenue has provided 2 explanatory notices containing many photographs (Tying a securing knot and Making a splice). There are available by clicking on the tab "ATTACHMENTS" above.

Some advice on use from DX Avenue

• On the reel the end to be used is marked by coloured tape. Don't release the reel after cutting the two retaining cable ties. We advise attaching the end of the line temporarily to a fixed point and moving away unrolling at the same time. Once the desired length is cut off secure the reel with adhesive tape around it before releasing. This is simply due to the small diameter of the bobbin for transportation with 100 m or more of line. After being lightly stretched the line should not twist back into a roll.

• To stretch a wire antenna, the line will slide easily around a pulley or a simple shackle.

Which diameter of line to choose (2.6 or 3mm)?

You may be tempted to go for the larger (3mm) "just in case". The 2.6mm diameter is however largely sufficient for the majority of our applications. The difference in breaking strain is only  90 daN and it is easier to tie a knot in the 2.6mm than the 3mm. This line is often used for strongly tensioning long lengths (for example in agriculture or for support for vines). So it can be seen that the mechanical constraints in amateur radio usage such as the guying of verticals (even up to 20m) are not comparable.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or questions. We will work together on your project to reach the best solution.

Our Experience

This type of Deltex polyester line has been used here by F2DX as guying or support since 2009:

• 4 verticals of 20m : Four-square 3.5MHz (2.6mm line)

• 4 verticals of 10m : Four-square 7MHz (2.6mm line)

• The final 14 metres (75mm tube) of a quarter wave on 160m (3mm line)

• 13 metre supporting a 2 element 10MHz Moxon (3mm line) as well as the supports for the elements of this antenna (2.6mm line)

• Various wire antennas such as a double dipole for 80/40m (2.6mm line)

For the last three summers and three winters the guying of these antennas has never needed to be touched. The lines are as they were on the day of installation. See you in 25 years!

Currrently many radio amateurs count on its long life and strength and have adopted this monofilament line to guy their vertical and wire antennas and their elements.

Product Details
Tying knot with 2.6 / 3mm line

DX AVENUE instructions: Securing a monofilament line without using an attachment system

Download (266.2k)
Making spice with 2.6 / 3mm line

DX AVENUE instructions: Repair or extend 2 monofilament lines without using an attachment system

Download (234.45k)
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Ratings and comments from our customers

 -   (VOREPPE, France)
Impeccable, utilisé pour haubaner une antenne verticale
 -   (Ciplet, Belgium)
Matériel parfait comme attendu
Surpris par ce produit, il s'agit d'un fil "plastique" assez rigide, je ne connaissais pas! Pas encore utilisé, à priori, c'est du costaud, quid de la facilité d'utilisation et du vieillissement? A voir par la suite. C'est juste pour "soutenir" un antenne verticale HF HY-GAIN AV-680, en cas de vents violents, il n'y aura guère d'efforts! Commandé avec des cosses et attaches spécifiques, on verra
 -   (Dambach la Ville , France)
Monté les fils aujourd'hui, sur une antenne de 11m de haut
 -   (Vic la gardiole, France)
Super !
 -   (Epierre, France)
No comments
 -   (Mitzach, France)
Haubans extrêmement costauds et non conducteurs ce qui évite les mauvaises surprises de ROS après montage . Les Gripples sont pratiques pour le montage . Cela fait 1 an que ma trois éléments est haubanee sur un mât de 4 mètre sur le toit de ma maison et je suis exposé aux vents forts toute la année, le mat ne bouge pas . Les haubans il y a un mois n' étaient pas altéré par les UV et les intempéri
 -   (Gilly sur Loire, France)
Fil très solide , je m'en sert pour étandage à linge, avec des gripple plus ???? et le reste servira à mon dipôle filaire. Très bien
 -   (Gilly sur Loire, France)
Coaxial de 7 mm de très bonne qualité , plus soudure de 2 connecteurs très propre avec isolant.
 -   (Gilly sur Loire, France)
No comments
 -   (Saint Bernard, France)
 -   (Méry-sur-Cher , France)
Avis donné
 -   (Méry-sur-Cher , France)
Très efficace
 -   (BOISSEUIL, France)
Excellent produit
 -   (ROSPORDEN, France)
No comments
 -   (ROSPORDEN, France)
No comments
 -   (Gardanne, France)
Ce produit est formidable, je l'utilise pour le haubanage et pour la réalisation d'antennes filaires.
 -   (Puéchabon, France)
Très bon matériel, très résistant pour un aussi petit diamètre.
No comments
 -   (Hazebrouck, France)
impeccable pour au banner une verticale
 -   (saint medard de mussidan, France)
 -   (LES ABYMES, Guadeloupe)
très bon produit
 -   (PARIS, France)
Increvable ! En place depuis de nombreuses années pour haubaner mes verticales, elles n'ont pas bougé d'un poil. Rapport qualité/prix imbattable.
 -   (Toulouse, France)
Solide et facile d'emploi
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