1/2" coax grounding kit
Universal grounding kit for all coaxial cable (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible) to a diameter of 1/2 inch.
Grounding kit for all coaxial cable (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible) to a diameter of 1/4 inch.
This method of earthing the plaiting of coaxial cables is systematically used on professional radioelectrical installations. As a general rule, it is placed next to the antenna, at the base of the mast and before the cable enters the equipment room. It contributes to the discharge of static charges and protects the installation against lightning strikes.
Radio amateur stations are equally concerned because their masts and antennas are also exposed to thunderstorms. The minimum precaution consists in putting the earthing kit on the outside of the building, in the area of the cables entering the equipment room. If the kit is placed there, protection can be reinforced by placing a second kit at the base of the mast to earth it itself.
Lightning doesn't know the difference between a "radio earth" and a "domestic earth" ; it takes the shortest route and not necessarily the expected route. Equipotential bonding is therefore essential for common earths.
This kit is suitable for all coaxial cables (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible) of a diameter of 1/4 inch. The conductive clip is rolled around the plaiting after having removed a length of 55 mm of the outer insulation. Waterproofing is perfectly assured by insulating mastic and flexible adhesive tape. Electrical contact is reinforced by the use of appropriate grease.
Composition of the kit
• Clip equipped and copper terminal
• Bolts, nuts and lock washers in A4 stainless steel
• Waterproofing mastic
• Flexible adhesive tape
• Conductive grease for nuts and bolts
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or questions. We will look at your project together.
Universal grounding kit for all coaxial cable (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible) to a diameter of 1/2 inch.
Nettoyage, désoxydation, lubrification et protection sans dépôt des contacts électriques (y compris les connecteurs d'antennes). Grande contenance : 500 ml.
Bretelle équipée avec pince et cosse cuivre. Solution économique de mise à la terre pour câbles coaxiaux (rigides, semi-rigides ou souples) de 1/2 pouce.
Kit de mise à la terre pour câbles coaxiaux (rigides, semi-rigides ou souples) de 1/2 pouce.
Etrier et visserie inox pour contacts radioélectriques, équipé d'un câble de 1,5 m avec 2 cosses et visserie.
Bracelet antistatique - Protège les composants sensibles de l'électricité statique lors de leur manipulation ou des opérations de montage.
Grounding kit for all coaxial cable (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible) to a diameter of 1/4 inch.