17m kit for DXB20151210-8mx
12m extension (18 MHz) for converting a DXBeam 8 el. 20/15/12/10 m Moxon/Yagi (14-21-24-28 MHz) to a DXBeam 10 el. 20/15/17/12/10 m Moxon/Yagi (14-18-21-24-28 MHz) (Ref. DXK17-10)
20/15/12/10 meter 8 element beam Moxon/Yagi (14-21-24-28 MHz) DXBeam (Ref. DXB20151210-8mx)
20/15/12/10 meter 8 element beam Moxon/Yagi (14-21-24-28 MHz).
No traps or relays, one single coaxial cable.
Boom made from 50 and 55mm tube
Elements made from 30 to 10mm tube
Insulated guying of 20m reflector (longevity more than 25 years)
• Forward gain in free space 20/15/12/10m (dBi): 6.3/6.2/6.8/7.2
• F/B ratio 20/15/10m (dB): 23/12/17/27
• Active element 20/15/12/10m: 2/2/2/2+
• Frequency coverage 20m (MHz): 14.000 - 14.350
• Frequency coverage 15m (MHz): 21.000 - 21.450
• Frequency coverage 12m (MHz): 24.890 - 24.990
• Frequency coverage 10m (MHz): 28.000 - 29.000
• Bandwidth @ 1.5 VSWR 20/15/12/10m (kHz): 450/400/500/850
• Feed impedance (ohms): 50
• Power handling (kW): 5
• Longest element (m)/(ft): 8.02/26.2
• Boom length (m)/(ft): 4.50/14.8
• Turning radius (m)/(ft): 4.65/15.2
• Weight (kg)/(lb): 25/57.3
• Wind survival (km/h)/(mph): 130/80.8
• Standard Mast size (mm)/(inch): 50/2 (55/2.25 or 60/2.50 optional at no extra cost)
Benefits over a classic multiband beam
• 17 m (18 MHz) extension possible at any time, for transforming this antenna to a 10 element 20/17/15/12/10 m Moxon/Yagi (DXB2017151210-10mx)
• No traps
• Full size elements
• Better performance
• Better bandwidth (for assembly, no need to choose between CW and SSB)
• No power problem (usually limited by traps)
• Perfect for mounting on a "Hazer Tram" tower such as Adokit®
• No larger despite superior performance.
F6ARC review after several years of use
I have been using this antenna since 2014. Bear in mind that only two elements are active on each band, therefore it can't compete with multi-element monobanders. Although tests were carried out without another antenna as reference, I have made enough tests to rate its performance.
I live out in the country, but soil quality is rather poor (sandy). The antenna is less than 14 meters (45.9 ft) above the ground, fed with 45 meters (147 ft) of RG-213 coaxial cable. However, the least I can say is that the results are well beyond my expectations. I hardly ever wait to break a pileup!
In conclusion, I would say that this multiband beam is a good compromise for those who have antenna restrictions.
Greases supplied
2 kinds of grease are supplied with your antenna:
• Aluminum contact grease: Professional grease containing 30% aluminum particles, recommended for the assembly of aluminum antenna tubes. Prevents binding, corrosion and the formation of aluminum oxide, and allows easy dismantling of antennas after several years.
• Copper conductive grease: Professional conductive grease with a copper base, recommended for all hardware requiring a sound and lasting electrical contact. Prevents oxydisation, damp ingress, and limits chemical reaction between stainless steel and aluminum.
Balun or no Balun ?
• This antenna does not require any balun.
• To avoid having stray current on the braid of a coaxial cable (often the cause of RF and/or TVI/BCI), you can make your own 1:1 choke balun with coaxial cable. Explanations are provided with antenna assembly instructions. (See also our F.A.Q).
12m extension (18 MHz) for converting a DXBeam 8 el. 20/15/12/10 m Moxon/Yagi (14-21-24-28 MHz) to a DXBeam 10 el. 20/15/17/12/10 m Moxon/Yagi (14-18-21-24-28 MHz) (Ref. DXK17-10)
Beam 6 éléments 20/15/10 mètres Moxon/Yagi (14-21-28 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXT201510-6mx)
Beam 6 éléments 30/17/12 mètres Yagi (10-18-24 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXT301712-6)
Beam 6 éléments 17/12/10 mètres Yagi (18-24-28 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXT171210-6)
Beam 10 éléments 20/17/15/12/10 mètres Moxon/Yagi (14-18-21-24-28 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXB2017151210-10mx)
Beam 8 éléments 30/17/12 mètres Yagi (10-18-24 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXT301712-8)
Beam 6 éléments 15/12/10 mètres Yagi (21-24-28 MHz) DXBeam (Réf. DXT151210-6)
20/15/12/10 meter 8 element beam Moxon/Yagi (14-21-24-28 MHz) DXBeam (Ref. DXB20151210-8mx)