Mast and cable grease
Special professional grease for telescopic masts or towers that use the "Hazer Tram" type of system. Conceived for cables, pulleys and winches subjected to high loads. Good water resistance.
Graisse professionnelle contenant 30% de particules d’aluminium, recommandée pour l'assemblage des tubes d'antennes en aluminium (ou alliages) en évitant le grippage, la corrosion, et la formation d'alumine.
Cette graisse professionnelle à forte adhérence contient 30% de particules d’aluminium. Elle est principalement destinée à l'assemblage des tubes d'antennes en aluminium (ou alliages) en évitant le grippage et la corrosion. La formation d'alumine qui rend les antennes souvent indémontables au bout de quelques années et qui provoque de mauvais contact ne sera plus qu'un mauvais souvenir.
Exemples d'applications radioélectriques
• Emboitage des tubes d'une antenne
• Visserie d'antenne (inox sur alu) avant serrage
• Nature de l’épaississant : Lithium
• Teneur en aluminium : 30%
• Température d'utilisation : -30°C à +600°C
• Contenance : 50 ml
• Emballage : Pot transparent hermétique avec bouchon à vis
• Made in France
• Remarque : Un pot suffit par exemple pour l'assemblage d'une beam 6 él. 20 m
Special professional grease for telescopic masts or towers that use the "Hazer Tram" type of system. Conceived for cables, pulleys and winches subjected to high loads. Good water resistance.
The "peace of mind" pack for your antennas and connections with these two greases (copper and aluminium) at a reduced price.
The "peace of mind" pack for your connections and rotor/bearing with these two greases (copper and rotor) at a reduced price.
The "peace of mind" pack for your antennas and rotor/bearing with these two greases (aluminium and rotor) at a reduced price.
The "peace of mind" pack for your connections and mast/cable with these two greases (copper and mast) at a reduced price.
The "peace of mind" pack for your towers, masts, rotators, antennas and connections with these four greases (copper, aluminium, rotator and mast) at a reduced price.
The "peace of mind" pack for your antennas and mast/cable with these two greases (aluminium and mast) at a reduced price.
Special professional grease for antenna rotors. Conceived for bearings, gears, and thrust bearings subject to extreme pressure. Completely insoluble in water. Excellent adherence in sea water.
The "peace of mind" pack for your rotor/bearings and masts/cables with these two greases (rotor and mast) at a reduced price.
Professional conductive grease with a copper base, particularly suitable for the assembly of antennas hardware requiring electrical continuity. It avoids oxidisation and allows easy disassembly after several years.
Professional conductive grease with a copper base, particularly suitable for the assembly of hardware requiring electrical continuity. It avoids oxidisation and allows easy disassembly after several years. 10ml economic bag.